
Hi, my name is Diana Robete!

Welcome to DBA Paradise, the place where DBAs grow!

I’m a senior DBA consultant and founder of DBAParadise.com – an inbox magazine designed to help you find focus, motivation and inspiration to become a better Database Administrator. I am also the creator of TheUltimateSQLTuningFormula.com, a course designed for DBAs.



Who is this blog for?

  • This blog is for the DBA that is looking to improve their skills, that are looking to find better ways of implementing, or executing a specific task.
  • This blog is for the DBA that wants to GROW!
  • This blog is for the DBA that is looking to create and improve processes.
  • This blog is for the DBA that wants to be PROACTIVE, instead of reactive!

What can I expect from DBA Paradise:

  • How to get the motivation, and focus on improving your skills as a DBA
  • Helpful ideas on daily DBA tasks, automation and reporting
  • Step by step guides and cheat sheets


Proud to be an Oracle Ace!