How To Fix ORA-31600 During Import Datapump
One day I was trying to run an import datapump job, and it kept failing. The error was pointing to one of the parameters being incorrect.
ORA-39005: inconsistent arguments
ORA-31600: invalid input value NULL for parameter VALUE in function DBMS_DATAPUMP.METADATA_REMAP
I opened up the parameter file to check for errors, and everything seemed ok. I couldn’t spot the error.
After a few minutes of looking and analyzing, I found something in the parameter file, that seemed like it might be the problem.
An empty space after the “:” in the REMAP_TABLESPACE clause, just as below:
Looks like, you should not have an empty space after the “:” sign in the REMAP_TABLESPACE clause.
The above clause should look just like this:
Once the extra space was removed, the import worked like a charm, just like it was supposed to.
The extra space after the “:” was the problem. Once I removed it, the import worked.
The same rule applies for REMAP_SCHEMA as well. If you have a space after the “:”, the import will fail with the same error.
If the space is before the “:” then the error changes to: UDI-00014: invalid value for parameter, ‘remap_schema’
The lesson here is, no empty spaces around the “:” in any of the remap clauses of the import datapump!
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Similar issue happened to me but mine was a $ sign in one of the datafiles when I was restoring a database. My script kept failing as it was trying to get the value of the variable that has the $ sign.
We just need to think more out of the box to get better perspective to solve the errors.
Thanks for sharing this.
A quick solution.
Thank you very much.