Four Ways to Startup or Shutdown Your 19c Database

Four Ways to Startup or Shutdown Your 19c Database

February 20, 2020 Off By dianarobete

Can you use Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express, or Oracle Cloud Database Express to startup or shutdown your database?

Think about this for a moment, before answering the question.

In order to start the tool itself, Enterprise Manager Database Express, the database must be already running, otherwise the tool cannot be started. So the answer to my initial question is NO, you cannot startup or shutdown the database with this tool.

So what tools can you use to startup and shutdown your 19c database?

There are 4 tools provided by Oracle!

  1. The first tool, that most of you probably use is no-one else than your best friend, SQLPLUS. Once you connect to the database with sysdba privileges, you can issue the command STARTUP or SHUTDOWN, or any other flavors of these commands.
  2. The second tool provided by Oracle, is no-one else than RMAN. It would not be my tool of choice to STARTUP or SHUTDOWN the database, however if I think about it, whenever I do a database refresh via RMAN (clone), then I issue the STARTUP and SHUTDOWN statements inside RMAN. Once you connect to RMAN with sysdba privileges, you can issue STARTUP or SHUTDOWN, or any other flavors of these commands.
  3. The third tool provided by Oracle, is the Cloud Control, not to be confused with the Enterprise Manager Database Express tool. The Cloud Control former Enterprise Manager, is the GUI tool you could use to manage multiple databases and other software. This tool gives you the ability to STARTUP or SHUTDOWN your database with the click of a button.
  4. The fourth tool provided by Oracle is SRVCTL. This tool is only available if you have Oracle Restart installed and configured for the database. In order to have Oracle Restart installed and configured, you need to have the Grid software installed in a separate Oracle Home. To start the database with SRVCTL you issue srvctl start database command. There are many options you could use with this command.

There you have the 4 tools: SQLPLUS, RMAN, Cloud Control, SRVCTL!

Let me know which method do you use to startup or shutdown your database? Leave a comment below, I read every comment!

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